Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Meanings of Red, White and Blue

One of the most effective aspects of marketing revolves around color choices. A great color scheme not only highlights your brand, but can bring an entire advertising campaign together. Additionally, those colors each have different meanings and can bring out different emotions in people. In honor of Memorial Day coming up, we wanted to take a deeper look at the colors red, white and blue.

Memorial Day 

Each year, Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It is a day to remember those who died in active military service. One of the main symbols representing our country and those who serve it is our flag. For over 200 years now, the flag has symbolized the unity and strength of our country. It is a source of inspiration and pride for our citizens, and has turned out to be a viable icon in the history of our nation. So why red, white and blue?


In reference to the flag, the color red signifies hardiness and valour. In addition, red is the color of fire and blood. It is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination, as well as passion, desire and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color that enhances the human metabolism and increases respiration rate and raises blood pressure. Therefore, it should be used in moderation. It's the perfect choice for advertising something like "Buy Now" or "Click Here."


The white stripes on the flag signify purity and innocence. White is also associated with light and goodness, and is considered to be the color of perfection. As opposed to the color black, white usually has a positive connotation. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness. You can use white to suggest simplicity and safety as well. White is often used to promote low weight, low-fat foods and dairy products. While white isn't really stimulating to the senses, it opens the way for the creation of anything the mind can conceive. However, too much white can cause feelings of isolation and emptiness.   


The color blue in the star section of the flag signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. Blue is also the color of the sky and sea. It's often associated with depth and stability. Blue also symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. The color is considered beneficial to the mind and body. Opposite of the color red, it slows human metabolism and produces calming effects. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness, and is also linked to consciousness and intellect. According to studies, blue is very masculine, so if you're target market is males, blue could be a great choice. You should avoid blue when promoting food and cooking because it suppresses appetite.

Give your vehicle wrap meaning and style with a great color scheme. Whether you're looking for something patriotic or something else that accentuates your brand, ProDezigns can design the perfect wrap to meet your marketing needs. Call 573-392-0500 to get started on your Missouri custom vehicle wrap today!

If you can drive it, ride it, pull it, fly it, or lift it, we can wrap it!

Pro DeZigns
36 Scrivner Road
Eldon, Missouri 65026

P: (573) 392-0500
F: (573) 392-0094

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