Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Value of Vehicle Wrap Advertising

Vehicle wraps are a rapidly growing sector of the advertising industry. Why? Because of the value they offer to businesses both small and large. When you compare vehicle wrap advertising to other traditional marketing methods, you can clearly see the benefits of auto advertising. Let's take a look at that comparison, as well as how to measure vehicle wrap effectiveness.

Media Planning and Exposure 

In order to understand how to measure the effectiveness of auto advertising, it's important to know how traditional advertising works. In the TV industry, the terms audience, target, reach and frequency are all used for media planning and buying:

  • The Target Audience is often defined by demographics, product usage and psychographics. 
  • Reach refers to the unduplicated proportion of an audience that is exposed to a media schedule at least once during a designated time period. 
  • Frequency refers to the number of times within a given period of time an audience is exposed to a media schedule.   
The same aspects are important for whichever venue of advertising you're considering. However, one of the biggest mistakes businesses can make is comparing the measurement of out-of-home advertising with that of other media. While the technical definition of exposure means "open eyes or listening ears," exposure is different for each marketing medium. In concept, an outdoor exposure is an ad exposure, while a TV or print exposure may not be. 

Measuring Media Costs

Advertisers use CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPP (cost per rating point) to compare media costs. While CPM is used for both print and electronic media, CPP is more popular for electronic media. When it comes to vehicle wrap advertising, we use CPM to show cost effectiveness. CPM is calculated by multiplying the unit cost of a media type by 1,000 and dividing the result by the audience size. the unit cost of a media type is the cost for a single ad placement in that venue.

Vehicle Wraps vs. Traditional Out-of-Home Advertising

Key media characteristics of outdoor advertising include size, location and continuing presence. One of the big advantages auto advertising has over traditional outdoor advertising is placement. Your message moves with you everywhere you go, allowing you to reach more people than a static billboard would. According to the Traffic Audit Burearu for Media Measurement, vehicle advertising can generate between 30,000 to 70,000 daily vehicular impressions. You can place your vehicle in areas that your target market can be found, and if it's not working you can easily move it to a new location or drive a new route. The possibilities are endless.

Branding Through Vehicle Wraps

A brand is a person's feeling about a product or service, or company. It's not what you say it is, but what consumers say it is. Today, buying decisions are made more on branding than they are on features, benefits and pricing. While features, benefits and price are still important to people, experiences and personal identity are even more important. Vehicle wraps are a great way to build brand awareness and keep your business top of mind. Vehicle wraps draw attention on the road. Let's take a look at some statistics showing the visual impact of auto advertising from The American Trucking Association:
  • 96%  noticed truck side ads
  • 98% said fleet graphics created a positive image for the company
  • 96% said fleet graphics had more impact than billboards
  • 75% of people developed an impression about a company and its products
  • 29% would base a buying decision on the impression
In outdoor advertising, the media is the message itself. There is no delivery device, and thus knowing what factors consumers notice and respond to is key in creating effective outdoor advertising. One of the biggest advantages to vehicle wrap advertising is the word-of-mouth effect. To maximize the effect, it's important to not only have a strategically designed ad, but that you incorporate that strategy into all your marketing. Integration of other marketing platforms can really help boost the effectiveness of your overall marketing campaign. 

If you're looking for the most cost-effective advertising method available, look no further than ProDezigns. Utilizing new marketing techniques that have been proven time and again to be creative, innovative and on the cutting edge of technology will create a lasting impact to all that see your advertising. Make your business capital mobile, using full color graphics on a vehicle wrap, by calling 573-392-0500 today!  

If you can drive it, ride it, pull it, fly it, or lift it, we can wrap it!

Pro DeZigns
36 Scrivner Road
Eldon, Missouri 65026

P: (573) 392-0500
F: (573) 392-0094

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