Thursday, December 8, 2016

3 Reasons to Have a 2017 Marketing Budget

The new year will be here before you know it and now is the time to start thinking about your marketing for 2017. ProDezigns is here to help you understand why marketing, and particularly having a marketing budget, is important for every business. Keep reading to learn how to get started planning your 2017 marketing budget today!

2017 Marketing Planning 

Take a look at how you spent your marketing budget over the past year. Ask yourself these questions:
  • Which marketing avenues generated the most business for me?
  • Are there any that didn't work as well? 
  • Is there something new I want to try for 2017? (Maybe it's a Missouri custom vehicle wrap.)
  • Can I allocate the same amount of money to a marketing budget for next year? 
  • Do I need to adjust the amount I spend on marketing in 2017? 
If you're not able to answer these questions, you may want to take a look at how you're tracking your marketing. Tracking is just as important as the marketing itself; you need to know what works for you and what doesn't.

Reasons to Have a Marketing Budget 

1. Just Because You Have a Business, Doesn't Mean People Will Come. 

You can't rely solely on people seeing your storefront and walking right in. Especially if your business is brand new, you need to let people know you're there, what you do or sell and why they should come to your business. Marketing is how you accomplish that and you need to have a budget for it so that you don't spend too much or too little.

2. Your Competition Has One. 

Marketing has been around for a long time and businesses know its importance. Chances are your competition has a dedicated marketing budget and a plan on how to allocate that money. It's going to be hard to keep up with your competition if you're not doing same.

3. Keeping Your Business Top of Mind is Important.

While gaining new customers is important, its also imperative to retain your current ones. People are bombarded with marketing messages everyday and if you're not doing something to keep your brand top of mind, people can forget about you.

Benefits of a Marketing Budget

Now that we've addressed just a few of the reasons why you should have a marketing budget, let's talk about the benefits a marketing budget provides. The budget, and plan/strategy, will create a clear sense of direction for everyone involved. In addition, you're able to allocate scarce financial resources more effectively. Having a plan for your business, whether it be a marketing plan or an inventory plan, will make you more successful. If you know how much you have to spend, you'll have a better idea of how to maximize your ROI.

As you're thinking about your marketing budget for 2017, consider allocating some resources to a custom vehicle wrap at the Lake of the Ozarks. Vehicle wraps offer one of the best cost per impressions when it comes to marketing. Each day, your wrapped vehicle can generate anywhere from 30,000 to 70,000 impressions. Start getting maximum marketing results by wrapping your vehicle with custom graphics from Missouri's best vehicle wrap shop!

If you can drive it, ride it, pull it, fly it, or lift it, we can wrap it!

Pro DeZigns
36 Scrivner Road
Eldon, Missouri 65026

P: (573) 392-0500
F: (573) 392-0094

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